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Featured work /plat du jour

“These plates, Januses of metal and sweat, emeralds of blood and gold, parade with the majesty of royalty, the sensuality and strength of Roman matrons, their hands on the hips that have carried all the children of the Mediterranean.” extract from SOS Sabir, Dominique Thireau, 2021 Each unique print is pulled from a matrix created from wine bottle wrapping. The matrix then becomes a mobile sculpture.

Amphora. Universal vessel containing the most coveted products of our civilizations. Discarded after use. Witness to ages of coming and going, of freely migrating and exchanging. Witness to our common history. Witness to the precious value of each human life, from shore to shore. An urgent call to protect these lives, protect the right to human dignity.

© 2023, 2024 by Kristin DeGeorge

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